Gabriel Nagy

Open Source at Puppet

$ whoami

  • Linux & FOSS user
  • at Puppet since May
  • mostly working on open-source projects

what is this?

  • overview of our projects
  • how we benefit from /using|being/ open-source
  • pros & cons of open-source


  • collection of software required for puppet and its dependencies to run
  • bundles the following:
    • runtime - we build our own ruby, curl, openssl, boost, etc.
    • puppet - Ruby gem, our main project
    • facter - Ruby gem (v2), and C++ binary and libraries (v3)
    • ... - a bunch of other dependencies (Ruby, C++)

  • built, tested, and shipped for 45 OSes/platforms (as of November)


  • configuration management tool, declarative language
  • you declare the final state of the environment
$ puppet resource user gabi
user { 'gabi':
  ensure  => 'present',
  comment => 'gabi',
  gid     => 1000,
  groups  => ['wheel', 'input', 'lp', 'sys', 'network', 'docker'],
  home    => '/home/gabi',
  shell   => '/bin/zsh',
  uid     => 1000,
  • puppet translates this into platform-specific instructions


  • provides facts about the system (network, disks, memory, OS)
  • current version in C++, can be extended with custom Ruby facts
  • can be used through a shared library, or standalone by calling its executable
$ facter system_uptime --json
  "system_uptime": {
    "days": 0,
    "hours": 1,
    "seconds": 4322,
    "uptime": "1:12 hours"

how we use open source

  • keep our runtime up-to-date by patching CVEs
  • October vulnerabilities:
    • Ruby
    • OpenSSL
    • cURL
  • all upgrades were problematic


  • hotfix release did not install
  • the version we had to upgrade to was 2.4.8
  • 2.4.9 was released a couple of minutes before we checked


  • new version did not compile on Windows
  • the openssl release prep commit itself did not pass CI
  • issue was fixed after the release


  • new version did not compile on Solaris
  • issue was fixed after the release


  • open-source projects are widely used and understaffed
    • curl has been maintained for over 20 years by a single person
    • openssl had 2 developers before the Heartbleed vulnerability
    • ruby - around 20 people are actively contributing
  • most of the time projects are maintained through volunteer efforts

how the community helps

  • had to update our compile/link flags for our vendored libraries and binaries
    • easy: check how Debian/CentOS/Arch build our packages and do the same
  • our latest puppet release had a regression
    • community provided a fix shortly after we released

how we contribute back

  • we use ruby extensively on non-standard platforms
  • sometimes we discover issues…

segfaulting with facter

Facter.add('ip') do
  url = ''
  # {"ip":""}
  response = open(url).read
  if !response.to_s.empty?
    result = JSON.parse(response)
    setcode { result['ip'] }
  • custom fact that queries an API for your public IP
$ facter ip

on windows though…

$ facter ip
C:/Program Files/Puppet Labs/Puppet/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/protocol.rb:45: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x64-mingw32]

-- Control frame information -----------------------------------------------
c:0024 p:---- s:0165 e:000164 CFUNC  :wait_readable
c:0023 p:0093 s:0160 e:000159 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/protocol.rb:45
c:0022 p:0557 s:0153 E:001568 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/http.rb:981
c:0021 p:0004 s:0140 e:000139 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/http.rb:920
c:0020 p:0029 s:0136 e:000135 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/http.rb:909
c:0019 p:0521 s:0132 e:000131 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/open-uri.rb:337
c:0018 p:0017 s:0111 e:000110 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/open-uri.rb:755
c:0017 p:0029 s:0104 e:000103 BLOCK  C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/open-uri.rb:226 [FINISH]
c:0016 p:---- s:0101 e:000100 CFUNC  :catch
c:0015 p:0365 s:0096 E:0010e8 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/open-uri.rb:224
c:0014 p:0328 s:0081 e:000080 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/open-uri.rb:165
c:0013 p:0018 s:0069 e:000068 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/open-uri.rb:735
c:0012 p:0071 s:0063 e:000062 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/open-uri.rb:35
c:0011 p:0007 s:0055 e:000054 BLOCK  C:/cygwin64/home/Administrator/facts/ip.rb:10
c:0010 p:0030 s:0052 E:000948 BLOCK  C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/timeout.rb:93
c:0009 p:0005 s:0046 e:000045 BLOCK  C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/timeout.rb:33 [FINISH]
c:0008 p:---- s:0043 e:000042 CFUNC  :catch
c:0007 p:0044 s:0038 e:000037 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/timeout.rb:33
c:0006 p:0113 s:0032 E:000650 METHOD C:/puppet/lib/ruby/2.5.0/timeout.rb:108
c:0005 p:0021 s:0020 E:000748 BLOCK  C:/cygwin64/home/Administrator/facts/ip.rb:9 [FINISH]
c:0004 p:---- s:0014 e:000013 CFUNC  :instance_eval
c:0003 p:---- s:0011 e:000010 CFUNC  :add
c:0002 p:0034 s:0006 E:000790 TOP    C:/cygwin64/home/Administrator/facts/ip.rb:5 [FINISH]
c:0001 p:0000 s:0003 E:000640 (none) [FINISH]

the elephant in the room

  • this code is not directly evaluated by the Ruby interpreter
  • the Facter.add implementation looks like this:
VALUE module::ruby_add(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE self)
    return safe_eval("Facter.add", [&]() {
	auto const& ruby = api::instance();

	VALUE fact_self = from_self(self)->create_fact(argv[0]);


	return fact_self;

what we knew

  • this worked on ruby 2.4 but crashed on 2.5
  • only happened on Windows
  • somehow linked to the URL opening part

next steps

  • check what changed in ruby between 2.4 and 2.5
$ git diff --stat v2_4_5..v2_5_3
6101 files changed, 340476 insertions(+), 79434 deletions(-)
  • only 60 commits under win32/
$ git rev-list --count v2_4_5..v2_5_3 -- win32/

what we could have done

what we could have done

what we did

what we did

windows sockets?

  • a hunk of commit e33b169 - win32.c: vm_exit_handler
  • this replaces all references of NtSocketsInitialized with 1 before compile time


  • this variable is referenced over 30 times in the file, similar to the code below:
if (!NtSocketsInitialized) {
  • after preprocessing, the bit becomes:

    [~/repo/ruby]$ cpp win32/win32.c
    if (!1) {
  • StartSockets() is the function responsible to initialize the Winsock DLL
  • Winsock handles internet I/O requests for Windows
  • There’s no networking without Winsock

getting to the point

  • after commit e33b169, StartSockets() goes from possibly being called in 34 places
  • to getting called once

    void rb_w32_sysinit(int *argc, char ***argv)
        // ...
        // Initialize Winsock

  • rb_w32_sysinit is a function that we have to call manually if we’re embedding the Ruby interpreter
  • to be platform-agnostic we can call the main sysinit function:
void ruby_sysinit(int *argc, char ***argv)
#if defined(_WIN32)
    rb_w32_sysinit(argc, argv);

fixing stuff

  • before calling ruby_sysinit
#include <ruby.h>

int main()
    ruby_init(); // sets up some basic things
    char* options[] = { "-v", "-e", "" };
    ruby_options(3, options); // sets up more stuff

    rb_eval_string("puts open('').read");
C:/tools/ruby26/lib/ruby/2.6.0/net/http.rb:949:in `rescue in block in connect':
Failed to open TCP connection to (getaddrinfo: Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed.) (SocketError)

fixing stuff

  • after calling ruby_sysinit
#include <ruby.h>

int main()
    ruby_init(); // sets up some basic things
    char* options[] = { "-v", "-e", "" };
    ruby_options(3, options); // sets up more stuff

    int sysinit_opts_size = 1;
    char const* sysinit_opts[] = { "ruby" };
    ruby_sysinit(&sysinit_opts_size, (char***)(&sysinit_opts));

    rb_eval_string("puts open('').read");

finishing up

  • opened a pull request on GitHub for ruby/ruby

finishing up

  • merged after almost 2 months


  • the Ruby C API is huge and largely undocumented
  • the best way to understand things is to go through the code

links & questions